About Chef Lazar

Lázár Chef:
- Host of many gastronomic and culinary events
- TV presenter – Cooking shows in RTL Klub; TV Paprika, Duna TV channels
- Food Stylist (Unilever, etc.)
- Consultations in gastronomy
- Alabárdos Restaurant (1990–2005): Cook – Executive Chef – Sales Manager
- Lázár’s Restaurant (2005-2008): Own restaurant with Hungarian cuisine
- Hungarian Embassy’s master chef, Washington, DC (2008-2009)
- Hungarian Cultural Year, which was organized in New York and in Washington in 2009, by popularizing Hungarian culture and gastronomy
- Cooked on Channel 9’s morning cooking show, and the national Fox 5
- The American Commission – a cook book – From the secrets of the kitchen of the Hungarian Embassy in Washington to the classics of American cuisine
- CBA hungarian grocery chaine, Unilever, Samsung, Whirlpool
- Print & Online magazines: Nők Lapja Konyha; Life.hu, etc.
TV Shows:
- RTL Klub – Receptklub
- TV Paprika – Receptdaráló, Séf legyen veled
- Duna TV – Balatoni nyár
- Spanish Royal Couple
- Michael Schumacher
- Plácido Domingo
- Andrew Lloyd Webber
- Roger Moore
- Robert Duvall
- Cook in Moscow, Hong Kong, France, Switzerland, Tunesia, Croatia, Spain, Monaco, Argentina, USA
- Chaine des Rotisseurs – gastronomy world contest, Finland – 4.th
- Chaine des Rotisseurs – gastronomy world contest, California – 3.rd
- Won a prize called “With a customer for the customer” – the prize was further training Johannesburg, South Africa.
- Alabárdos became one of the 10 best restaurants (Executive Chef: Lázár Chef)
- Won a European Barbeque Championship
Guiness record:
- Made a 250-metre-long stuffed cabbage Hajdúság-style
- Receptklub (I. II. III. IV. V.)
- Amerikai küldetés (2009)
- Magyarország kedvenc ételei (2010)
- E-mail: info @ lazarchef.hu